Saturday, September 10, 2011

Movie & Walmart

Last night Manny and I decided to skip the usual movie night out at the theaters 
and  instead spend the night in at my house watching movies.
We, of course, needed snacks for our Netflix movie date so we headed to Walmart. 
We bought Oreo's, Hot pockets, Dasani water (no soda yay!) and a whole bunch of dinner boxes. Unfortunately when we got to my house, netflix was being sucky that we ended up just turning on the Tv. 
I don't really remember what we ended up watching but we had fun eating all the amazing yummy food.
He he.

The highlight of my night was when we were at Walmart.
 Manny was acting supper silly and that totally made my day ;) 

Empty cart with only a bag of Oreo's 

Manny Looking for a Flashlight
Bag of Skittles I was tempted to buy. But I didn't (;


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