Friday, April 1, 2011


Right Now my boyfriend is off to the Vet with this BEAUTIFUL dog. Daisy can no longer stand up by herself, her joints are in pain, and she can no longer go to the bathroom by herself. Last night my boyfriend bought her every type of Beneful possible and let her have a feast. Since 3 years back she has been on a diet of pure vitamins and Lamb dry food because of her health. I am pretty sure she was the most happiest last night then she has been in years.

My boyfriend called me a few minutes ago telling me "She licked my face. Something she hadn't done in a long while. She used to do it all the time when she was in her motherly mode trying to clean me" That broke my heart. I can only imagine the sadnes and the pain this process is putting him & his family in.

Dear Daisy,  When I met you 6 years ago I fell in love with you instantly. You were the cutest, biggest doggy I had ever met. You will always be in my heart with every chance I got to hold you, walk with you, and hear your beautiful bark guarding the house. Hopefully one day we can meet where I will see you running again, full of life that in which you were of in your younger years. As far as Emmanuel, he will miss you dearly. As well as Bonbon. Don't worry for that hyper ball of a doggy cause she will be in good hands. You will be miss and love forever. Thank you for the great 15+
 years you were part of the family. R.I.P Daisy <333


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