Saturday, January 21, 2012

3D Experience

For tonight's date, Emmanuel and I went to the movies to watch Underworld in 3D! 

      What made it more special was that we went to one of my favorite Malls in town. There we purchased our tickets in advance then while we waited for the show to start we walked around the mall. To start our walk we went to Barnes and Noble: there I saw 2 books, Alice in Wonder land... & Anne rice's vampire Chronicles that I wanted. Unfortunately, the books were a bit pricey so I didn't get them. Afterwards Emmanuel and I spent some time inside Build-a-bear, that place freaked me out! but I do plan on going back soon to build Emmanuel his own self :) 

This may look like a serious face but inside, I was screaming in anticipation!

After a few more stores it was time for our movie! Without giving to much away (SPOILER FREE)
  This movie freaking rocked! It was definitely worth the extra bucks, the uncomfortable 3D glasses, and the long anticipated wait. I am not one to like 3D movies but this one made me shy away so many times! I can't wait for the next installment! Oops... That is all I am going to give away :) 


  1. Can't wait to watch the movie. I'm gonna ask my friend Bern to go with me may be next week. I already have ants in my pants. LOL. Anyway,  since you gave me my first blog award (Kreativ Blogger Award), you're the first one I'll be passing the Cute Blog Award I just received few days ago. :)

    BTW, I prefer the old comment form. :)

  2. i've watched the underworld 1, i'm planning to watch the part two this weekend!

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  3. Am I lame if I've never even heard of this?? I looove 3D movies though! But I prefer cutesy cartoon 3D movies ;) I know, dork alert! right? Haha 

  4. nice post and lovely blog!
    Let's follow each other!

  5. thanks for sharing!:)

  6. Cant wait to see this but may have to wait till it's on dvd :s
    Cute blog btw :)
